Ecology of the diatom Skeletonema

With starts as a bachelors student, continuing as a phd student, and also now after I have been part of projects working with the diatom Skeletonema. This is a common and important bloom forming species around Sweden. It form resting stages in the sediment which can be used as a “time-machine” when hatched in the lab, and how they can survive for more than hundred years is this stage is something that is still puzzling for scientists, we have indications on parts of the answer in one of our resent publications. Please explore our Skeletonema-related publications (more to come):

Olofsson M, Almén A-K, Jaatinen K, Scheinin M. 2022. Temporal escape – adaptation to eutrophication by Skeletonema marinoi. FEMS Microb Lett.

Stenow R, Olofsson M, Robertson EK, Kourtchenko O, Whitehouse MJ, Ploug H, Godhe A (2020) Resting stages of Skeletonema marinoi assimilate nitrogen from the ambient environment under dark, anoxic conditions. J. Phycology 91: 101685.

Olofsson M, Kourtchenko O, Zetsche E-M, Marchant H, Whitehouse MJ, Godhe A, Ploug H (2019) High single-cell diversity in carbon and nitrogen assimilations by a chain-forming diatom across a century. Environ Microbiol. 21(1): 142-151

Olofsson M, Asplund M E, Karunasagar I, Rehnstam-Holm A-S, Godhe A (2013) Prorocentrum micanspromote and Skeletonema tropicum disfavours persistence of the pathogenic bacteria Vibrio parahaemolyticus. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences 42: 729-733